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File List | 1994-08-19 | 50.8 KB | 651 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 2 - Business Applications │
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- ABKTL40A.ZIP 71928 04-11-94 ABKTool 4.0A. Small, quick, handy
- | appointment book and to-do list manager;
- | uses relatively little memory and thus
- | lends itself to being run either as a
- | TSR program or in a DV/Windows window;
- | you can set single event appts and 4
- | kinds of repeating appointments; to-dos
- | can be given one of 9 priority levels &
- | you can give your own short names to
- | those levels in place of numbers.
- ACCTH.ZIP 342653 03-24-11 ACCOUNTING HELPER 2.4 <ASP> A compre-
- | hensive accounting help guide. Nearly
- | 300 'how to' examples from basic
- | accounting through advance accounting.
- | It may be used as a stand alone program
- | or as a TSR that will pop-up over any
- | text base accounting package. It also
- | contains advance management and
- | financial information.
- ADTRAK20.ZIP 220754 03-29-94 Adtracker 2.00. Program designed to
- | help you improve the effectiveness/
- | efficiency of your advertising; built-in
- | lead analysis report is fully
- | customizable.
- AM2120.ZIP 322778 03-04-94 AutoMessage 2.0 20-Column! Graphical
- | message system. Has 5 fonts, 16 colors
- | for both text and background, optional
- | password protection, a Quickshow
- | feature, blinking, underline, and
- | double-size text, top and bottom title
- | lines, seven intermission effects,
- | instructions that remain on-screen at
- | all times, an easy to use graphical
- | interface, and more.
- AM2132.ZIP 299305 03-04-94 AutoMessage 2.0 32-Column! Graphical
- | message system. Has 4 fonts, 16 colors
- | for both text and background, optional
- | password protection, a Quickshow
- | feature, blinking, underline, and
- | double-size text, top and bottom title
- | lines, seven intermission effects,
- | instructions that remain on-screen at
- | all times, an easy to use graphical
- | interface, and more.
- AMIPOST.ZIP 10059 05-22-94 AMI POST. An automated city and
- | province name generator from the postal
- | code. Saves you a substantial amount of
- | time typing addresses. The average
- | town, separator and province come to
- | about 17 characters long. All this can
- | be achieved with one click of the mouse.
- AM_30K.ZIP 419772 06-12-94 ADDRESS MANAGER 3.0K <ASP> Full-
- | featured address book and phone dialer.
- | Prints Avery and other laser labels. Dot
- | matrix support too. Prints envelopes,
- | lists, etc. Supports thousands of
- | addresses. Supports European and
- | British addresses. Comes in USA
- | English, Queens English, French, German,
- | Dutch and Italian.
- | <ASP> Print envelopes with POSTNET
- | codes & bulk mail. Print envelopes with
- | POSTNET codes on any HP compatible laser
- | or Epson compatible dot matrix printer.
- | Does bulk mailings with zip code
- | statistics for easy bundling. Supports
- | multiple address databases. APT
- ARC400.ZIP 67828 04-18-94 AreaCode 4.00 is a small utility that
- | lets you look up a telephone areacode
- | and determine where you are calling or
- | list area codes for a particular state.
- | Works as stand alone program or as a
- | TSR. Shareware registration forms and
- | manual included. From Foley Hi-Tech
- | Systems. <ASP>
- AR_SIM12.ZIP 193633 05-09-94 AR SIM12.ZIP 1.2 <ASP> A very easy to
- | use Accounts Receivable program for
- | those who do not require invoicing.
- | Audit trail, trial balance, on-line
- | help, on-line look-ups, customer
- | statements, mailing labels, user-defined
- | transaction codes, on-demand balance
- | forward purge, network ready.
- BPLN38X.ZIP 183678 06-13-94 B/PLAN DEVELOPER 3.8x <ASP> Write A
- | Plan Like A PRO & Save $. B/Plan is an
- | online workbook for creating a market-
- | driven and investor-centered proposal
- | that attracts money. B/Plan takes you
- | through all the steps and tasks.
- | Registered users get KEYWORD OUTLINES
- | plus ADD-INS to help buy, finance, and
- | manage a business.
- CAL94E11.ZIP 159967 04-30-94 CAL94E 1.1. Calendar and Information
- | Manager, May 94. Schedule appointments
- | and store other one-time or recurring
- | events. Spans years 1800 through 2099.
- | Store names & addresses, single-screen
- | notes. Many support functions, mouse,
- | printing, easy navigation with menus.
- | Features selection of most data rather
- | than keying! Also calculator, auto-
- | dialer. 243K, DOS 3.0, video card.
- CATALG40.ZIP 354560 05-01-94 Catalog-On-A-Disk (tm) v4.00 <ASP> Make
- | it easy for your customers to order
- | using a few simple keys with this award
- | winning catalog software. Browse or
- | search for products, then print the
- | order form with tax and shipping
- | precalculated to be sent by mail, fax,
- | modem, or phone. Compressed catalog
- | fits many products on disk and provides
- | security for prices and other data.
- CBPLUS57.ZIP 339909 03-21-94 CHECKBOOK PLUS 5.7. <ASP> Full-
- | featured cash management and budgeting
- | system that helps you master your
- | financial affairs. Handles multiple
- | accounts, account reconciliation, and
- | memorized transactions. Print checks,
- | customized income statement and cash
- | flow reports, and check register.
- | Features pull-down menus, on-line help,
- | mouse support, pop-up calendar, & more.
- CCJR51.ZIP 187895 04-01-94 CLIENT CONNECTION, Jr. 5.1. A single
- | user client/names list manager for
- | marketing or personal needs. Features:
- | text editor, mail merge, mailing labels,
- | reports, sorting, autodialer, password
- | security. Users include: Home busi-
- | nesses, Stock brokers, Real Estate
- | agents, individuals-for Holiday cards.
- | Many years of user feedback. Requires:
- | 360K RAM, 720K floppy, HD, and DOS 3.2.
- CJPOS194.ZIP 298256 06-03-94 CJPOS. A complete point-of-sale program
- | for small businesses. This EXTREMELY
- | easy-to-use program will write invoices
- | or estimates, track inventory and
- | salespersons, perform sales analysis for
- | any period, accounts receivable/
- | payable, GST ready and keep a customer
- | database.
- DAY55.ZIP 397948 03-27-94 Daily Calendar 5.5 - Appointment
- | calendar, name and address book, dialer,
- | to-do list manager, contact manager.
- DDF606A.ZIP 327743 04-28-94 Doctor Data File 6.06a (DDFile) A very
- | comprehensive Mail List Manager, General
- | Purpose Database Manager and dBASE III
- | Utility for both the professional and
- | beginner alike. Data files are
- | user-customizable. Easily edit, add,
- | delete and locate records. Select a
- | subset of records to view or print.
- | Labels up to 9 across, letters, lists
- | and POSTNET barcodes and more.
- EZBIZ.ZIP 659868 04-07-94 EZ BUSINESS 494 <ASP> EZ to use system
- | for non-accountants. POS, AR, AP,
- | Inventory, plus Income, Expenses, and
- | Wage tracking. Plain paper Estimates,
- | Invoices, Pack Slips, Bills and Reports.
- | Fully menu driven with on screen
- | prompts.
- FAPRO14A.ZIP 253738 03-15-94 FAPROA 1.4 <ASP> (1 of 2) Fixed Asset
- | Pro is a comprehensive fixed asset
- | management system. Using pull-down
- | menus, the program calculates deprecia-
- | tion on multiple bases, applies tax
- | limits, performs projections and com-
- | parisons and prints reports to screen,
- | printer or file. Provides 38 U.S. Tax
- | law depreciation methods with on-line
- | help. Mouse support.
- FAPRO14B.ZIP 224278 03-15-94 FAPROB 1.4 <ASP> (2 of 2) Fixed Asset
- | Pro is a comprehensive fixed asset
- | management system. Using pull-down
- | menus, the program calculates deprecia-
- | tion on multiple bases, applies tax
- | limits, performs projections and com-
- | parisons and prints reports to screen,
- | printer or file. Provides 38 U.S. Tax
- | law depreciation methods with on-line
- | help. Mouse support.
- FBK510G.ZIP 343576 03-03-94 FastBucks Finance Manager 5.10G <ASP>
- | Supports 25 each checking, charge,
- | savings, miscellaneous expense, cash,
- | other asset and other liability
- | accounts.
- FTRK2QWK.ZIP 23798 03-12-94 Convert the latest FastTrack mutual fund
- | price quotes to Quicken import format.
- | Easy and quick. Freeware by Paul Allen.
- FX401D.ZIP 358583 03-23-94 EZ-Forms Executive 4.01d (Professional)
- | The Ultimate Forms Processor. Pop-up
- | form/field help. Pop-up field pick
- | lists, and field tab scheduling as well
- | as encryption. Includes full math (40
- | functions), forms up to 15 pages, full
- | drawing, directory navigation, file
- | compression, encryption, word-wrap,
- | centering and justification. Over 100
- | forms included with 500 more available.
- GRAPH.ZIP 169733 05-28-94 ExpressGraph 1.05. Great business
- | graphics. Easily create Bar, Line and
- | Pie Charts. Bar charts: regular,
- | overlapped, stacked, percentage or three
- | dimensional. Line graphs with or with-
- | out symbols. Pie charts can be uncut,
- | exploded and separated. Information can
- | be entered manually or imported. Graph
- | up to 16 groups of 52 numbers each using
- | 16 different fill patterns. <ASP>
- HPREPDSK.ZIP 129715 06-22-94 HOT PROFITS REPORT DISK 1.0. Contains
- | six money-making small business reports
- | by Pat Flanagan, noted computer/mail
- | order writer and columnist. UnZIP, type
- | GO, and follow the menu!
- ICP11.ZIP 510471 03-19-94 ICP - Inventory Control Program 11.0 A
- | full-featured general purpose inventory
- | control program with modules to sell,
- | order, and receive inventory. It
- | includes modules to sell, order and
- | receive inventory. It tracks purchase
- | orders and automatically adds inventory
- | to the re-order report when the count
- | (on hand) total USER'S GUIDE falls below
- | the minimum acceptable stock levels.
- INC_DOCU.ZIP 14665 03-08-94 Post-incorporation document samples
- | (resolutions, registers) (business
- | related).
- JOB.ZIP 420258 06-20-94 The JOB System is a set of programs
- | designed to record and track sub-
- | contractor billing. Among the JOB
- | System features is the ability to run in
- | a multi-user environment. It can access
- | an invoice by either invoice # or client
- | code. JOB can also record a single
- | check payment of multiple invoices.
- | <ASP> approved.
- LOANACE5.ZIP 125228 03-25-95 The Loan Accelerator Trial 1.O5. Power-
- | ful Loan Program for borrowers. How
- | many interest dollars and payments could
- | you save by adding $25.00 to your
- | monthly payment?, or $50, or $2500 once,
- | or $1260 every April? Runs balloon
- | loans interest-only loans, biweeklys, &
- | more! Be a Hero. Show friends and
- | clients the impre$ive $avings too!
- MAIL58C.ZIP 327916 03-18-94 MAILLIST/M-LABEL 5.8c. Rosemary West
- | <ASP> Easy-to-use business or personal
- | mailing list manager controls up to 99
- | separate lists, prints labels has
- | automatic duplicate checking, search by
- | any field, extra fields for user coding,
- | pop-up notepad, compare and combine
- | lists, password-protect sensitive files,
- | restore deleted records, and more.
- MAINLNE2.ZIP 156696 04-23-94 Mainline 2.0. Project Management tool.
- | Interactive WYSIWYG graphical develop-
- | ment of project Gantt/Pert chart. Easy
- | data entry. Handles up to 150 tasks &
- | milestones, over 5 year duration. Many
- | features ease working on larger
- | projects.
- | Five fast, easy to use accounting pro-
- | grams. Five fast, easy to use account-
- | ing programs for the small business.
- | PC-GL version 3.8 Double Entry General
- | Ledger. PC-AR version 4.3 Accounts
- | Receivable and Sales Summary. PC-PR
- | version 2.4 Payroll Writing. PC-AP
- | version 1.8 Accounts Payable. PCINV
- | version 1.3 Invoicing.
- MFTRAC35.ZIP 309389 03-22-94 The Mutual Fund Tracker 3.5. Uses
- | technical analysis and a Mutual Fund
- | Composite Average, in conjunction with
- | other key indices, to determine when to
- | get into and out of mutual funds. You
- | can define and look at different "what
- | if" results based on your criteria.
- | Features easy to understand documenta-
- | tion; graphs; reports; select TREND or
- | BUY, SELL, and HOLD signals; and more!
- MOTEL210.ZIP 361931 05-03-94 MotelMAX 2.10. Hotel, Motel, B&B or
- | Resort Manager including reservations,
- | advance deposits, front desk, account-
- | ing, room inventory, point of sale,
- | guest history, night audit, general
- | ledger and many reports. Automatically
- | assigns room rates for up to 10 room
- | types. Supports all date and currency
- | formats and all printers. One key
- | check-in, check-out and auto-posting.
- M_PLUS.ZIP 303840 07-07-94 MPLUS 1.1c. Mailing List System <ASP>
- | Simple yet full-featured mailing system
- | has user-configurable features, supports
- | international mailing needs, duplicate
- | checking, phone dialing, record tagging,
- | import and export, form letters, and
- | more! Perfect for home or business.
- | Author: Rosemary West. See VENDINFO.DIZ
- | for more information.
- OASIS201.ZIP 227183 05-02-94 OWL Automated Sales & Invoicing System
- | (or OASIS) 2.01. A complete sales
- | management system including invoicing,
- | automated billing, customer corres-
- | pondence, mailing list management,
- | product sales tracking, sales tax
- | reporting and much more; completely menu
- | driven with on-line help.
- OFFCAB.ZIP 53478 06-24-94 Somar OfficeCab is a file cabinet front
- | end for Microsoft Office (Word, Excel,
- | Powerpoint). It allows you to manage
- | Office documents by title (up to 64
- | characters) instead of by file name.
- OHIP3C.ZIP 198398 05-15-94 OHIP Billing Program for Psychiatry,
- | Neurology. Surgical versions available.
- ORCHIS.ZIP 169004 05-23-94 ORCHIS (Org Chart Imaging Software) 1.0.
- | Shareware for DOS PCs to create organi-
- | zation charts, menu and decision trees,
- | or any tree structured diagram. The
- | intuitive graphical user interface &
- | WYSIWYG display provide easy access to a
- | wide variety of charting options. Chart
- | layout is automatic. Print to LaserJet,
- | DeskJet, dot matrix or PostScript.
- | Export to PCX, PDL or EPS.
- ORDERS.ZIP 582386 05-18-94 Orderpro Order Tracking, Serial Numbers,
- | Warranties.
- OST142.ZIP 359133 03-18-94 OFFICE SUPPLIES TRACKER 1.42 <ASP>
- | Complete office supplies tracking
- | system. Maintain inventory listings and
- | quantities, stock locations, generate
- | purchase orders and requisitions, and
- | maintain vendor listings. Automatically
- | adjusts in-stock levels when orders are
- | received and posted. Automatic
- | notification when in-stock levels drop
- | below specified quantities.
- PASS11.ZIP 324554 03-26-94 PASS 1.1 by RCCO Research. Appointments
- | Scheduler for Professional or Personal
- | use. It is a simple, efficient record-
- | keeping system for professional or small
- | business use for one or more persons.
- | Attractive visually-oriented environ-
- | ment. Printed schedules; calendar-
- | selectable scheduling; purge facility.
- | Mouse/EMS support.
- | <ASP> Food Costing for Restaurants/
- | Institutions. Calculates food cost and
- | required selling prices based on a
- | desired gross profit % and $ amount.
- | Edit portion sizes to see the effect on
- | costs and margins. Also maintain total
- | revenue, total food cost and gross
- | profit for a banquet, etc. Business
- PDEPRIC5.ZIP 293776 04-01-94 ProDev*EPRICE 5.0a <ASP> Price Service
- | interface program to transfer Trade
- | Service price data to ProDev*QUOTE
- | Material data files. Compatible with
- | Trade Service files in USA, U.K. and
- | Australia.
- PDQUOT5A.ZIP 309688 05-02-94 ProDev*QUOTE 5.0a <ASP> Quote System.
- | (1 of 2) Extremely full-featured
- | Quotation or Bidding system for any type
- | or size of business. Point & Shoot
- | browse allows rapid preparation of
- | quotes. Uses dBASE III+ compatible
- | files.
- PDQUOT5B.ZIP 89989 04-08-94 ProDev*QUOTE 5.0a <ASP> Quote System.
- | (2 of 2) Containing documentation.
- | Extremely full featured Quotation or
- | Bidding system for any type or size of
- | business. Point & Shoot browse allows
- | rapid preparation of quotes. Uses dBASE
- | III+ compatible files.
- | Financial planning and calculation
- | programs. Mortgage with points, retire
- | calcs, savings with accounts/mutual
- | funds, debt analysis, distributions,
- | money growth, IRA's, broker's acct rate
- | of return, profit-share calc, simple/
- | complex loans, professional-look
- | schedules, mortgage with actual interest
- | between dates.
- PHONE1_2.ZIP 149452 06-21-94 PHONEBOOK 1.2. A rolodex-type system
- | for personal or business use. It's
- | special features include: 1. Context
- | sensitive help. 2. Label printing. 3.
- | Printing of a list of frequently called
- | numbers. 4. A 256 line memo field for
- | each entry. 5. A quick look-up for
- | different classifications of entries.
- PLBL_V1.ZIP 128030 05-26-94 ProLabel 1.0. A powerful mailing list
- | database organization tool, that lets
- | you sort, search, update, import and
- | export data from the program. Labels
- | can be printed to your laser printer or
- | dot matrix printer. ProLabel can handle
- | any size database file and is very fast.
- | Custom mailing list databases are
- | available from CWW Development with
- | registration of the program.
- POLSTOCK.ZIP 51446 04-05-94 Completely data from Polish Stock
- | Exchange in metastock format.
- PPX.ZIP 784215 04-02-94 PROJECT PULSE 3.1. Maintains/tracks/
- | reports small to super-complex projects
- | for single or multi users on a network.
- | Flexible accounting periods, 3-level
- | project personnel, password and access
- | control, built-in time clock, and
- | project/sub-project/task management.
- | Extracts budget, actual and billing data
- | using ad-hoc criteria for hardcopy
- | and/or export to other software.
- | (1 of 4). Powerful integrated profiler,
- | scheduler, and merge letter word pro-
- | cessor. Profile contacts by 10 cate-
- | gories. Create multiple file sets.
- | Apply standard "ACTION PLANS." Easy
- | flag/tag procedures. Batch process
- | labels and letters. Includes three
- | standard letter formats, user defined
- | label formats, auto dialing, and more.
- | (2 of 4). Powerful integrated profiler,
- | scheduler, and merge letter word pro-
- | cessor. Profile contacts by 10 cate-
- | gories. Create multiple file sets.
- | Apply standard "ACTION PLANS." Easy
- | flag/tag procedures. Batch process
- | labels and letters. Includes three
- | standard letter formats, user defined
- | label formats, auto dialing, and more.
- | <ASP> (3 of 4) Profiler, scheduler, and
- | merge letter word processor. Profile
- | contacts by 10 categories. Create
- | multiple file sets. Apply standard
- | "ACTION PLANS." Easy flag/tag pro-
- | cedures. Batch process labels and
- | letters. Includes three standard letter
- | formats, user defined label formats,
- | editable demo, auto dialing, and more.
- | <ASP> (4 of 4) Profiler, scheduler, and
- | merge letter word processor. Profile
- | contacts by 10 categories. Create
- | multiple file sets. Apply standard
- | "ACTION PLANS." Easy flag/tag
- | procedures. Batch process labels and
- | letters. Includes three standard letter
- | formats, user defined label formats,
- | editable, demo, auto dialing, and more.
- PRKIT.ZIP 31632 03-05-94 Do-it-yourself public relations for
- | small and home-based businesses; free
- | and low-cost ways to support marketing
- | efforts; shareware.
- | have" for all Sellers, Buyers & Negoti-
- | ators, plus anyone involved in FINANCIAL
- | user-friendly SYSTEM integrates SIX
- | major programs to reduce your workload
- | and "Get the Right Things Done Right".
- | Provides both the power and training
- | "know-how" to: MAXIMIZE FINANCIAL
- | GAINS.
- QL10SW.ZIP 120476 03-13-94 Quick Label 1.0. A label or envelope
- | printer. Prints one at a time, quick
- | and easy. Enter the address and print
- | the label, that's all. Saves current
- | info for next time.
- ROLODSK1.ZIP 397030 04-15-94 Rolodisk Was Born Out of The Need For A
- | "smarter Rolodex". If Your Business
- | Requires You to Know The Best Price And
- | Where You Get It, This is For You! "hot
- | Key" Cursor Between Fields on Data
- | Screens. (Alt "hot Letter") 1 Keystroke
- | And Your at The Field You Need to Be!
- | Full Mouse Support! "Graphics Version"
- | (Gui) Available! CUA Compliant.
- SCHED31.ZIP 359020 06-06-94 S3 SCHED 3.1. Machine scheduling/
- | loading for batch shops where there are
- | short lead times and too many variables
- | for using capacity modeling software.
- | Load work centers quickly. With 13 user
- | defined fields. Supports multiple
- | indices.
- SCK13.ZIP 176002 05-16-94 Software Company Kit 1.3. Integrated
- | package for shareware authors and disk
- | vendors. Orders go in, disks, receipts,
- | disk labels, and mailing labels come
- | out. Relational databases track
- | customers, sales, and products. Makes
- | disks, labels, and printouts. Creates
- | and manages DIZ files. Disk calculator
- | fits files on disks. Supports 1 or 2
- | Epson, HP, and IBM printers.
- SHIPLBL.ZIP 46076 05-15-94 Box shipping label program with 40 label
- | database.
- SKIP106.ZIP 166252 05-01-94 SKIP 1.06. Label utility by ETS Inc.
- | Address Label program prints LABELS,
- | database, must see to appreciate! Laser
- | printer EGA/VGA mouse required. IBM
- | EGA/VGA mouse required. 5 STARS! Great
- | for "Viking" type labels!
- SPRPIM20.ZIP 274541 03-20-94 SPRPIM 2.0. Personal Information
- | Manager - includes calculator, phone
- | database, notepad check register and
- | clock.
- TELDEX35.ZIP 135143 03-13-94 Teledex is a card-file rolodex-type
- | database Auto-dialer that works on COM 1
- | or Com2 and includes large fields,
- | company name, multiple phone numbers,
- | and a built in pop-up full-featured
- | notepad, printing calculator, and
- | perpetual calendar. Also has a full
- | featured search and print mailing label
- | management system built-in.
- TICKLERF.ZIP 129988 06-04-94 1994 version of TomTron Software TICKLER
- | FILE. A nice, clean, easy to use
- | tickler-reminder program for DOS. Great
- | for laptops and sales people on the go.
- | VGA required - color or gray scale looks
- | good. Room for comments on.
- TRACT57E.ZIP 192219 04-04-94 TransAct 5.7e. POS/invoicer/Inventory/
- | Accounts Receivable. TransAct is a
- | unique transaction manager POS invoicer
- | ideal for service or sales businesses
- | with full integration, mouse driven
- | point-n-click operation. Requires:
- | Hard drive and DOS 3.1 and any printer.
- | Creates database records for customers,
- | invoices, statements, management
- | reports.
- | <ASP> Investment Portfolio Management.
- | Calculates profit, total return,
- | internal rate of return, capital gain.
- | Produces 12 types of charts. Especially
- | useful for investments with multiple
- | cash flows, such as mutual funds, 401k
- | plans, annuities, and partnerships. A
- | hard drive is not required. Pull-down
- | menus and more.
- VEND20SW.ZIP 240356 03-24-94 The Disk Vendor Sales Catalog System.
- | For Shareware Distributors/Vendors Who
- | Wish To Create Professional Looking
- | On-disk Catalogs Of Their Products.
- | Quick/Easy Version 2.04sw.
- VGUIDE.ZIP 34724 03-28-94 VENDOR STARTUP GUIDE <ASP> 46 pages of
- | useful information for a startup
- | shareware disk vendor.
- VIDEO20D.ZIP 413078 06-13-94 THE VIDEO STORE 2.0 REL C. A video
- | rental store POS system that is very
- | powerful and simple to use. Supports
- | customers, inventory, sales, salesmen,
- | products & rentals, payments, late fees,
- | and is network ready. Supports popular
- | POS hardware. Invoices may be
- | customized and supports US & foreign
- | countries.
- VISION1.ZIP 575111 05-19-94 ProjecTVison. Project Management,
- | Scheduling Budgeting, And Status
- | Analysis Program. Supports Task,
- | Milestone, And Sub-project Activities;
- | Allows Interactive Drawing of
- | Dependencies And Schedule; Provides
- | Access Into And Return From Subprojects
- | With Single Mouse Click; Provides User
- | Control of Displayed And Printed
- | Activity Information.
- WALLST70.ZIP 328647 03-22-94 The Wall Street Tracker 7.0. Uses
- | technical analysis and market momentum
- | to determine when to buy or sell stocks.
- | It analyzes key indices and also
- | compares three moving averages, against
- | each other, and the current price. You
- | can define the moving averages and
- | compare "what if" results based on your
- | investment objective.
- WDX14.ZIP 175744 06-14-94 WilloDex Address Manager 1.4. Latest
- | release of this simple, yet powerful
- | phone book database. Search by company,
- | name, or user defined keywords. Now
- | export your data for use in other
- | applications. Handles 1000's.
- WJS12H.ZIP 219123 05-27-94 What Job Summary? 1.2h. An easy-to-use
- | job summary tracking for all types of
- | contractors. Pull-down menus. On-line
- | help. Keeps bid due date, bid amount,
- | estimated & actual costs, etc. For
- | 260,000 jobs per year. Reports include
- | Daily Activity, Job Status, Monthly
- | Summary, Work On Hand (for bonding) &
- | Work Completed.
- WML23K.ZIP 332894 06-16-94 WHAT MAILING LIST? 2.3k. Manages lists
- | and prints labels, envelopes, phone
- | book, zip list on dot matrix or laser.
- | Scalable & soft font support. Import &
- | export. Duplicate checking. Smart Zip.
- | Bar codes. Query. Indices. Filters.
- | 11-digit U.S. Zipcode. NEW Fixed bugs
- | with new files, null keys, & CONFIG
- | convert.
- WVH24H.ZIP 268880 06-16-94 What Vehicle History? 2.4h. Vehicle
- | service history tracking, reporting, and
- | billing plus parts inventory. Tracks
- | one or a fleet of cars, trucks,
- | tractors, big rigs, etc.; mechanics,
- | departments, cost of parts, labor, etc.
- | NEW Maintenance History report features;
- | many minor enhancements.
- WWCALC20.ZIP 295963 04-09-94 WWCALC 2.0. From New Dimensions
- | Software. Work Week Calculator is a
- | must have for people who like to know
- | exactly what their employers are taking
- | from them on a weekly or bi weekly basis
- | This program automatically determines
- | straight time, double time, and time and
- | one half in easy-to-read, clear, concise
- | screens, that are graphically superior
- | over any calculator on the market today.
- YDPOP23C.ZIP 195417 07-10-94 YDPOP is a TSR Personal Information
- | Manager. YDPOP stores Address data, 3
- | phone numbers, 3 contact names, and up
- | to 200 lines of memos for each record.
- | YDPOP exports addresses into your word
- | processing program. You will never type
- | an address again. YDPOP has a calendar,
- | calculator, phone dialer, phone call
- | log. YDPOP sorts by Name, ZIP code,
- | Address and by the Phone Number.
- YFG500C.ZIP 364498 03-27-94 EZ-Forms Gold vYFG500C shareware
- | release. Fully functional. No
- | "screens", etc. Great forms processor.
- | Direct descendent of the original
- | "EZ-FORMS"(SF, PF). Includes full
- | drawing, directory navigation, file
- | compression, auto date, time, numbering,
- | more.